Friday, July 17, 2009

Two steps forward and two steps back. . . .

I get so frustrated that I make progress for a few days and then revert right back to bad habits. And I have no one to blame but myself. I am trying to focus on small lifestyle changes-but then a busy schedule, work, or lack of good food choices at home are my excuses to fall of the bandwagon so to speak. With a new dog, I am doing better about exercising more regularly. But it is not to the intensity that I am used to. I really like the gym and w/o childcare cost this upcoming year (w/ all three boys in school all day), it is more affordable. But my consistency is seriously lacking-so do I want to spend money on something I may or may not use. I just wish I would be more consistent w/the positive changes and minimize my negatives.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Exercise, exercise, exercise

I spent the week at my mom's, and did LOTS of exercising. And my muscles were feeling it. Unfortunately, the scale was not. I am just trying to make choices that are good for my health and focus more on that then what the scale says. I work the next several nights, so I hope to keep up the exercising. I read a magazine that encouraged you to change 10%. Exercise 10% more, eat 10% more fruits/veggies, sleep 10% more, eat 10% less a day, and lose 10% of your weight. Considering I don't usually eat any fruit- I am going to try to eat 1 piece a day, but I think that puting the smaller goals out there is helpful and not so overwhelming. We got a puppy this week- who is a BUNDLE of energy. So, I will definately be exercising 10% more since I have to keep up with him.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Well . . . . .

I did really good exercising last week. My mom got a new wii game- get active and it kick my butt. It has a lot of preset work outs. With squats, and lunges. Some cardio and then . . . . you guessed it- more squats and lunges. And did I mention it had jumping squats and even more lunges. After 3 days in a row- my thighs were feeling the burn. So, I hope to continue this week, but maybe not with so many squats and lunges.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Great start to a new week.

I had a great start to the new week. The boys have been doing a great job helping around the house. Since, my house is on the market- the cleaning is more important than ever. So, I got the boys a new chore chart thingy- and they are doing a great job. That allowed me the time to work out this morning before church. I hope to be able to maintain that momentum. It is sometimes hard to balance doing fun things for summer and a normal exercise routine. I haven't been to the gym lately but it is hard to take all 3 since they don't allow kids under the age of 12 on the equip. Well, hopefully I can figure out something that works for the summer.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Fighting myself and losing.

With the start of summer, I have not done well with exercising and then in tow my eating. And even though I know I can do better, I can't always regain my focus. And its frustrating. I have gained and lost the same 2-3lbs for like 2 weeks now. I have worked a majority of last few days and it is hard getting used to the change. Flipping from days to nights and back again is difficult. And when I work some many days in a row, it is hard to motivate myself to exercise. Next 2 weeks I don't work as many days, so hopefully I can get on the right track. But I got to go exercise now.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Well . . . .

Well . . . . . I did a lot better yesterday UNTIL the boys and I went out to dinner to celebrate the last day of school. I suppose I could of done worse. I am updating my blogs while the boys are doing homework, then I am going to exercise and hopefully stay on track for the WHOLE day. Got lots planned for the day and better get on the stick!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Balance is a tricky thing to achieve. I have noticed more and more that I can't seem to find the right balance. IE the right amount of sleep, amount of exercise, and food. I don't have too much control on the sleep thing with working nights and all. But sometimes I can sleep but my mind will just not shut off. And there are times that I need to get stuff done but can't seem to get out of bed. I also will push myself exercising too hard and then not being able to walk the next day. I am getting too old ;). And I do the same thing with eating. Really watch myself and then I am STARVED! And it stinks. Because the only thing that is keeping me from my goals is myself. So, I am going to try to find some balance.