Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hitting a Brick Wall

I have been feeling like I am getting into a rut and hitting a wall. I am trying to get through it, or over it. Heck I might have to go under it, but I am having more cravings, not wanting to exercise and am crabby ALOT! So, hopefully I will get out of this rut.

Monday, September 22, 2008

0 star day :(

I have been exercising Mon- Fri and today was the first time in weeks that I didn't exercise. I worked last night, and was able to get 3-4hrs of sleep before getting up and taking my youngest son to afternoon kindergarten. I volunteered in his class today since it was his bday. Then school was over, time for homework/chores before taking the bday boy out for dinner and the movies. So, I am EXHAUSTED now that the boys are finally in bed. And exercise is not happening. And if I don't drag myself to bed, I will be to tired tomorrow. I feel like I am loosing focus. So, hopefully, I will get back on track. I am still having days when I am more hungry so even though I do awesome at the gym, my total calories for the day are more than I want. I had more calories than I wanted for today, but I was under my needs yesterday. And when I work the night before it is hard to be awake for most of 2days while not eating much. Tomorrow is a new day, RIGHT!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Give up Or Give in

Today was hard. It was the first day I really felt like giving up or more like give in to temptation. And not just to food. I didn't want to do cardio. I am still sore from doing weights/squats/lunges yest. And I was hungry. Like starved. But I know as a whole, I could have done better. But on the flip side I could have done worse. I did my workout and I cheated but in small amounts. And I met my calories burned/cardio minutes for the week goal yest. So, I hope tomorrow is better.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Almost 10lbs!

Yep, I have almost reached a 10lbs weight loss. I am thrilled b/c this is huge for me. And partly b/c I was at my heaviest at 225lbs and now I am nearly 15lbs lighter than that today. I didn't start blogging until recently and I was 6-7lbs lighter than my heaviest at that point. But I am finally at the point where I can start to see changes in how my clothes feel, not just the scale. Sometimes I am afraid that my scale is just broken since things are going so good. But the proof is in the jeans. I think if I lose another 5-10lbs, I will be able to wear some clothes that I haven't fit into in a LONG time. I did some circuit training yesterday and boy am I feeling it today. Check out the links to help you on your weight loss journey. And the has some great tips on workouts for at the gym or home.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Spa Day

Today was a spa day. 3 coworkers and myself won a contest for a spa package. The contest was looking for a sisterhood like in the new SisterHood of the Traveling Pants II. My friend Nicole entered and we obviously won. So, today was a day that we all could go and enjoy stress free time w/o the kids.

I had to laugh as we were filling out a health form. One of the questions was "Do you have any stress check yes or no?" Are there people who can really check NO? I want to be them just for a day.

I have never had a facial, but I recommend everyone getting one. They are awesome. I think I am going to have to figure a way to have one on a regular basis. And then maybe I could check the NO box.

To further enjoy the day, we went out for dinner. I knew that we were going out, and knew I wanted to slurge. You gotta live. The steak was AWESOME. I can't remember when I had a steak last. And even though I totally grossed out my friend Brooke (who doesn't eat beef or pork) w/my medium rare steak. It was worth it. Now to the point, I know the martinis and creme brulee were not on my diet, but I think I deserved the treat. I know I could have gone way overboard. And I am not going to look at this as setback but rather a breakthrough. I worked out hard this week and watched what I ate so today wouldn't blow all my hard work. And tomorrow I won't dwell on failure and feel hopeless.

Thanks to my BFF's who are great friends who I can count on and are sooo supportive of my goals to lose weight. I wish we could do Spa Day every 2 weeks! But w/o the creme brulee. And the massage therapist named Ulga, who likes to inflict pain. Go BFFs!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I HATE stair machines!

I know that you are supposed to mix it up w/your exercise. So today, I thought I would do some time on the stair machine.

Honestly, people were on the arc trainer I wanted to work out on. I know very rude. Usually, NO ONE works out on them. Which I am fine w/because I LOVE them and in 1 hour you can burn more than 800 calories. But two very rude people were on them, so I decided I would suck it up and do some time on the stair machine while I wait for them to open up.

And I was quickly reminded why I HATE them. And in 20min, I only burned 155 calories. Now, I know that is not an exact estimate, but in 30min on the arc trainer I burned 400. I renewed my vow NEVER to get back on the stairmachine. So, hopefully those rude people will stay off my machine.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I am back!

I have been busy and haven't posted in awhile. I felt over the weekend that I was losing some momentum. But I know I was still doing better overall then when I would just let things go and eat whatever. I ordered a milkshake. I know bad, but I got kidsized. Better. But yest, I was more focused. I was scared to weight myself. But I had lost 1lb. Yeah! I know I could have lost more if I had been more focused, but I also know that if I don't feel like I can be normal then I won't succeed.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


If I see the Red Lobster never ending shrimp comercial one more time . . .

I don't know what it is about today, but I am having some serious cravings. But I have not caved. YEAH!

And did you notice the ticker at the bottom. Not on the 4 but on the 5lbs. I checked the scale like 5 times. YEAH!

I am trying to set short term goals. And so far I have lost a quarter of the weight for my first goal. To be under 200lbs. It feels good. For the first time in years, I feel like I can do this. No diet pills, no starving, just changing my life. And I feel like when I get to my goal. I won't gain it back. And that is the best place to be. No longer feeling defeated by eating. Thanks for your support!

And Julie, I fixed it so anyone can post. You don't have to log in. I better go finish Noah's necklace.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Lessons Learned

Okay, so today didn't go as well.
I did workout like I wanted to. But didn't keep as close of tabs on my portions and eating tonight. It is so hard when I work nights to get this figured out.
I am trying not to let this set me back as a whole.
Tomorrow is a new day. And for the whole of the last week, I have been very good. I am at a weight that I have been before, and have not been able to get under. I think that I am focusing too much on that, instead of focusing on watching my portions/exercising.
I need to get some sleep. Night!

Monday, September 1, 2008


I am thinking if I get too happy about how things are going to jinx it. But things are still going well, and we are going to pretend. This is the first time I have tried to lose weight and its going well. Right!!!!!!!!!!!!! We won't dwell on that b/c it will J_ _ _ IT!
I have lost another pound. Yeah me! I really like the spark website. I have downloaded some recipes and we will see how they work! I will let you know.