Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Ally McBeal moment . . .

Okay, I know this goes back in time, but as I was going out the gym today- I remembered this from Ally McBeal. I have been in a funk lately not happy about things in general, and I realize that it is in my head. So, I need to get it out and replace it with the good in life. I wasn't a faithful fan of the show but did watch a lot of the episodes, and I remember that the biscuit was always trying to get Ally to have a theme song of her own. To make her more confident/happy etc. So lets join in and dance (not with a baby in the bathroom *weird*). We need to be okay with ourselves at ALL times. And not let outside things affect us.


Julie said...

I saw the title & thought maybe you saw a dancing baby. LOL!

I used to have theme songs to help motivate me. It definitely helps to get you focused! :) Man I miss that show...

iris7531 said...

There were videos for the dancing baby but they were tempting but not really related to my moment!