Saturday, August 30, 2008

Another 4 star Day!

And another "Yeah Me" day. Lost another pound. Its hard to tell how accurate that is since I weighed after waking up tonight rather than 1st thing in the morning. But the scale doesn't lie. Right!
So far the Ah Ha moment is still happening. I am making better choices. Going to the gym. Staying well w/in my calorie goals. And not HUNGRY! That's the best of all.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Yeah Me!

So, far so good. I am down 1 lb. I am doing good w/staying the daily intake goals and better w/exercise. I am hoping that this is my ah ha moment and it sticks. I turned down Sheridans tonight. I know baby steps is the key. But turning down Sheridans should be a leap :) .

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Better Day!

Today was a better day.
I still am over on my calorie goals. But yest I was under. That makes me even, Right?
I really thought that today was much worse. Since I worked last night, I am awake for more of the day, hence I eat more. Or I don't eat and then become starved. I had two snacks today, and that seemed to help me not be so hungry at dinner. And I am still doing a better job w/my selections and portion size.
I didn't go to the gym. I had a sick kid. But I did work in the yard after school. And since it was so hot. Sweating was not an issue. But I am giving myself 4 stars for the day. Yeah Me!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sugar cookies

Okay, now I know that I shouldn't have made them. But the lunchroom helpers at school were talking about all the great things my mom packs in my boys' lunch. Which she does. And I am so greatful that she does (pack the lunches and comes up w/fun things so they don't complain that they don't get to eat lunch from the cafeteria).
But I made them (the sugar cookies). Which they are not the problem as much as the frosting that I made for them. The frosting mmmmmmm...... I need to focus.
I, for the most part didn't too bad for the day. I did not realize how much fat were in bugles. But I didn't have that many of them. And when the spark website calculated them in, I was glad that I didn't have more.
But I did do a better job of watching portions. And I did way better today.
But I didn't go to the gym :(. I was EXHAUSTED! Some days my lack of sleep catches up to me more than others. And today was that day. I plan to try to hit the gym for at least 30min tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Getting off the computer

Now that I have spent nearly an hour enrolling on I am going to go to the gym. As I was sitting and trying to find support groups to join, it dawned on me, I am spending alot of time sitting and not doing anything. So, I will have to make sure that blogging/journaling doesn't take over. I know that it is an important aspect of losing weight. But seriously, lets face the fact that free time is NOT something I have to be wasting. And I am tired of feeling like, I can't lose this weight. So, I am going to try not to focus on the weight, but the healthy lifestyle. And get off the computer and go to the gym. Bye!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Okay enough is enough

Okay, I have said in the past that I was serious about losing weight. But today was the final breaking point. I saw pics that my son took of me when we were at the park playing tennis. I could not believe it. I look in the mirror everyday. I see what I look like. But I was horrified. They say that you should journal. But I am going to blog instead. I owe it to myself to lose this weight. Not for my kids (not that they don't deserve me to be the healthiest that I can be), or for the future husband that I may or may not meet, but for me. This weight is not who I am. I am not a lazy, self destructive person. But that is what the weight feels like. I need to get control of this. I need for weight to not be the center of my life.