Friday, January 30, 2009

Derailed . . .

I was doing really well at the beginning of the week, but with a sick kiddo and a VERY busy night of work, I have been derailed. I was THRILLED to get to work extra this week, since I have lost hours the last 2 weeks in a row. Sick kiddo= not getting a good nap before work. And it was SLAMMING busy at work, which meant EXHAUSTION set in yesterday. And this weekend their is girls night at my house so I have to get cleaning. Hopefully I will find my inspiration again next week and get off this plateau.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Ally McBeal moment . . .

Okay, I know this goes back in time, but as I was going out the gym today- I remembered this from Ally McBeal. I have been in a funk lately not happy about things in general, and I realize that it is in my head. So, I need to get it out and replace it with the good in life. I wasn't a faithful fan of the show but did watch a lot of the episodes, and I remember that the biscuit was always trying to get Ally to have a theme song of her own. To make her more confident/happy etc. So lets join in and dance (not with a baby in the bathroom *weird*). We need to be okay with ourselves at ALL times. And not let outside things affect us.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Break down the mental walls!

I was watching an old episode of the Biggest loser, and they were talking about the emotional side of the weight loss. The contestant was struggling with being away from her boys and just emotionally heavy. And I can totally relate. Our lives can weigh just as heavily on us. We can allow things in our lives (ie getting our house ready to sell) to be a mental wall. The trainer told the contestant that we need those struggles so that we can see how strong we are (mentally), we can see that we can do it. And then in church today, all my boys wanted to go to church with be instead of their class, I was reminded that God has never left. Over the last few years, when I realize that this is not the life I wanted for me and my boys it weighs me down. But one of the songs that they sang today reminded me that God is still there with me and has GREATLY blessed me. Things might not be the way I pictured them, but God is still there. I needed to remember that, I think it will help me out of this rut of focusing to much on the big picture instead of taking it one day at a time.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

No gym today!

I have bitten off more than I can chew and will not be going to the gym today. Instead, my excerise of choice will be decluttering and CLEANING my house. And I know this is excerise since it is listed on My goal is to go the gym at least 4 times this week, and so far I have gone 2. So, I can go tomorrow and saturday and still be good. Because if I don't get this house cleaned I will go CRAZY. Gotta Go!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The goal for today . . .

For today, I have to organize some closets. I got the laundry/pantry started yesterday. I want to go to the gym, but will wait till the little man goes to school. I need to get back into recording my exercise/eating on Spark. I haven't plugged this website in awhile, and I love it. I think it is user friendly. And they have finally added wii fit under their cardio categories! Even though I love the site, my computer is slow and it is frustrating to try to add my foods/exercise.But when I was keeping track, it really helped me be aware of my daily intake. I think for me it helps to see that I have stayed in my range for intake. And I LOVE seeing how much over my calories burned I get. So, in order to make my goals I better get started! Have a great day!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

NO pressure . . .

So, I was exhausted yesterday when I got off work and did not go to the gym. I planned on trying to get up early, but didn't sleep well. So, that was not an option. I ended up getting cancelled which creates financial stress that I won't go into that. So, I should have gone to the gym, or worked out on my parents wii when I was up there for dinner. So, I have decided to just not stress out and no to put added pressure on myself. I can still make my goal of 4x this week. I hope to work 2morro, otherwise we might need to be discussing that financial stress.

Friday, January 16, 2009


Well, having a sick kid and repairman at the house for the last 2 days has nix'd my workout plans. I blame the repairman and not the sick kid. But the stuff needed fixing so I shouldn't blame him either. I brought my clothes to go to the gym after work. We will see how my motivation is in the morning. Unfortunately it is not the thought that counts in this situation. I don't know why it has been so difficult to get back on this STUPID horse!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Rip our hearts out . . . .

Okay, I will not spoil the episode for my BFF's that have it on DVR and haven't watched yet, but ABC did a great job of ripping out our hearts and stomping on it again and again on Private Practice tonight. Dealing with multiple issues that on their own are tear jerking enough, but tonight was definitely a night to have the Kleenex box at your side. I did like the episode, you need a good cry every now and again. But I will be kissing my boys on their sleeping heads tonight, thanking/praying to the Big Man Upstairs that there are some decisions/experiences that I won't have to deal with.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Let's do better tomorrow . . .

Well, I haven't done as good today. I have a sick kiddo, so not sure if I will be able to go to the gym 2morro or friday as planned. So, I have to have extra motivation to do my home workout DVD's. I didn't plan on working out today, but I could have done better watching what I eat. But the day is not over, so hopefully I can refocus. Kids are wanting to finish our game of LIFE, so gotta go!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

BFF gold card

I love this card! I found this on someone's blog and had to have it. And we all know our BFF doesn't stand for blogging friends forever, but who cares. LOVE IT!

Where is that horse and why can't I get on it?

I have been trying to get back on the "weightloss" horse and have been struggling. I decided today that I am going to remember that smaller simplier goals are easy to keep. In reality, it has been weeks since I have worked out regularly and we won't even begin to discuss the eating. I really am at the same weight that I started out for the holidays, so that is about the only good news. I have a goal of working out 3 days this week for 30min, and then 4 30min times next week, and so on. When I get back into working out 5-6 days, I will start increasing my time again. I am also going to try just cutting down portions. I have gotten into a bad habit of really not eating and then eating a large meal once or twice a day depending on my work schedule. I read an article that talked about not really focusing on 6 small meals because the bottom line is the # of calories consumed. But for me when I work, if I don't eat smaller more frequent meals, I end up over eating. So I have my two goals. And I will get on that horse!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Okay so it it not truely day one but . . .

I wanted to change the title and it is the 1st day this year that I am going to refocus on my goals. I had put things on hold when life was crazy before, during and a little after the holidays. So, today I am reminding myself that it is not a sprint. And I need to make the some small changes to get back on track. ie renew my gym membership. It expired right before Christmas and I didn't see the point of renewing until I was ready to jump back in to going to the gym. Well, it is on my to do list today. Along with a number of other things. I should be paying bills instead of updating this, but I am nearly finished. I need to remember to just focus on today. And end this post and get started.

Friday, January 2, 2009

My Bucket List

I watched The Bucket List yesterday and I thought it would be a good New Year post. Yes, this is the 2nd day of the New Year, but so what. It's my blog and I can post a day late.

My Bucket List
1. be the person God wants me to be
2. enjoy every moment I have with my kids/family/friends
3. be as healthy as I can
4. live long enough to watch my grandkids get married
5. do a random act of kindness at least once a week
6. Go to New York City- I have lots of places I would like to see, but this is one of the top
7.Go back to Paris and go to the top of the Eiffel Tower- when I was a kid, we went to Paris but the tower was under construction and we couldn't go to the very top. It was a bummer.
8. Go on a cruise
9. Be mostly debtfree (except house/car)
10.Live in the today, not the yesterdays or the tomorrows

That is a good start. In the movie Morgan Freeman's character tells Jack Nicholson's character about a belief that the Egyptians have about heaven. When they get to heaven they are asked 2 questions. Did you have joy in your life? And did you bring joy to others? At the end of each day I hope to answer yes to both questions.
Happy New Year.