Saturday, December 27, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Well, the holidays are almost done. And it is time to focus on the new year. I realized the other day, I have to renew my gym membership, so that has been added to the " to do list". But I am working a lot this week and I am sure they will be closed on the first, so I think I will wait until the next week. Have a Happy New Year! Be safe!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Okay . . . .

So the scale is not broken. I had to go to the MD office yesterday, since I can't breathe. I have a sinus infection. Are you kidding me?!?! I have NEVER had a sinus infection. But I am sooo glad that I got taken care of. I thought my allergy meds weren't working. And the pain was horrid, not to mention I couldn't breathe esp when I was laying down. Which made sleep a distant memory. Dr. F got us in and out in 10min. Awesome. But the moral of the story is that I weighed only 3lbs (fully clothed including shoes and after eating lunch) than at home. YYYEEEAAAHHH! So, it made me feel good that I didn't get on the scale and get a huge shock that I was 15lbs heavier. Now in the spirit of Christmas, it would have been nice for the scale to shave off a few lbs. Oh, well, I was able to sleep last night. And the pain is less, so that is what really matters.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I think my scale is broken . . . .

I got on the scale and was shocked that I am still weighing the same. I haven't been able to get to the gym, and haven't been the best about watching what I eat. And I know I should be thrilled, but part of me is afraid I will figure out that the scale was wrong and I have gained the weight back. But for now I am enjoying the fact that I don't have to make up any ground. When the holidays are over, I can just refocus and get off the plateau.

And a funny little story . . . . I thought that this was a better places to tell it. Yesterday, the boys and I were running errands. Well, in the car Noah asked me . . . . .

Noah : " Mom?"

Me : "Yes."

Noah : "You know that song, Silent Night? What's a VIRGIN?"

Me ( are you kidding me?!?! Of all the songs . . . . ): UUUMMMMM. . . . . (now all kids are focusing on the answer I am about to give) . . . . . Well, you know how when 2 people get married and . . . . . make a baby. . . . . A virgin is someone . . . . . who isn't married and . . . . . (crap !!!!!!) hasn't done what married people do to make a baby.

Noah : "Oh, ok!"

AAAAHHHH! Crisis diverted. That was enough to satisfy his curiosity. And now I need to really think about having a talk one on one with Noah before he starts hearing things from other kids. Kids grow up tooo fast!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Too early to procrastinate!

I have made a big dent in my things to do list. But I have decided that I will refocus on my weight loss after the New Year, but things are too crazy to try to focus on things now. I spent the day yesterday doing cookie plates and delivering them to friends/neighbors. And no I did not give the burnt/laxative laced ones (there weren't any burnt ones) or rocks to the crazy neighbor. Thought about it. But just left that one alone. I did alot of shoveling of the snow on tues. So, I am going to procrastinate on my New Year's resolution, even though it is not the New Year. If the weather holds, hopefully next week I can take the kids to the gym and do some swimming/basketball. Yesterday, we went sledding and that was fun. I am going to try to watch my portions, and I got rid of most of the christmas cookies yesterday! Yeah! Today I have to finish the christmas letter and finish making the christmas ornaments and clean the house. I wish that when I cleaned it, it would stay clean for at least a MONTH! Stay warm and out of the ice. The boys and I are going to bundle in until tomorrow and hopefully the ice will not be that bad when I have to go to work tomorrow night!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Finished # 1, 2, 6 and part of # 8

Okay, I made a dent in the "Things to Do list", however I have to add a few more to it . . .
16. Stop taking a shower in my bathroom so the tiles can dry and try to repair the bottom tiles. UUGGHH! (the seal of the grout is cracked and mold is growing. Gross I know, I have to get the house market ready by March)
17. Make even more ornaments because I got an order for 4-8 more.
18. Forgot that I promised Eli and Bff Brooke that I would make peanut butter blossoms, so that needs to added to #5
19. Get $10 cash to include w/Jordan's bday gift
20. Find my magic pixie dust, so that I can go "Poof" and all things on my to do list will be done.

But on the upside, I was scared to do it. But this morning I stepped on the scale and saw I have only gained 1 lb. Shocking I know. I guess I haven't been as bad as I thought. I was feeling kinda crappy so I rested this morning instead of going to the gym. I know BAD, but I got over it really fast. Anyway, I hope to get some of my christmas cards done tonight while I am at work! Multitasking is my specialty.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Why . . . . ?

Why do I let one thing affect my attitude for the whole day/week? Like I have a kid home sick from school, so I can't go to the gym, but I don't workout w/one of my DVD's either. Or I splurged at lunch, so the diet is blown for the day, so ice cream for dessert is okay. Or since I haven't been able to get to the gym the past few days, I'll go next week. Or I have alot of things to do but I catching up on my shows and not doing any of them. Why?

I don't know, but I am going to remedy the problem right now. I can't go to the gym and get my things to do list taken care of, but I will not let that be an excuse to splurge later today. My things to do list (in no particular order):

1. laundry (do and put away)
2. clean the house
3. christmas letter
4. christmas cards
5. make christmas cookies
6. buy jordan's bday present and wrap it
7. go to the bank and cash Noah's bday check (now don't think bad of me, I already took him to the store, he spent the money weeks ago, I just put in on my card . . . So, stop thinking bad thoughts about me ! :)
8. make christmas ornaments
9. after #5 is done, give cookie plates to neighbors and boys teachers and BFF's! (making sure the Bff Brooke gets plenty so she actually gets to eat them this year)
10. finish christmas shopping
11. wrap Christmas presents
12. have fun with the boys when they are off for Christmas break
13. have a tight budget since getting extra shifts at work might become nonexistant
14. work out at least an 1hr 5x a week
15. have a Merry Christmas

I think that covers the next 2 weeks. Not too much right?!?! Well, better get started on #1 and 2.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

We just have to move on!

Well, most of the trees are completely gone. I am still not sure what I am going to do about it. My primary concern now is the fact that my neighbor is claiming my flowerbeds and adding to her already large piles of junk. And now w/o the fence I have to see them. But in reality, if the house sells this spring, it will not be my problem anymore. It has been an emotional 2days. And now I just have to decide what is really the best choice. Doing 4mi on the elliptical at the gym, helped improve my mood. And I took LOTS of pic of the damage today. I hate to say it can't get worse, but it can. I am not about feuding w/my neighbor. And to 1-2 thousand for a survey that may prove that she is right, is a tough situation. But I am putting it away for now. The boys and I had a fun evening. And I am focusing on the positive and no one can take that away from me!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Going down the toilet!

Today, is going to be one of those days. I worked last night and I am tired. And to make matters worse. I am watching my neighbor cut down my trees, fence and take over my flowerbeds. I guess I should say that the trees, fence and said flower bed might not be mine. My neighbor has been wanting for YEARS to cut down said trees. But I have not been for it. And I am wanting to sell the house in the spring and think major overhauling of my backyard was not something I want to do. And who really wants to buy a house w/a crazy neighbor like that. Anyway, I was resting this morning on the sofa and heard the chainsaws. And my black walnut was in pieces. The men moved quickly to the elms. I have been on the phone w/every city office I could think of and my laywer. But the general issue is w/o a survey, we don't know whose property it is. And the police (yes they were called) can't do anything, since it is a civil dispute. From the mapping website of JO, it appears as if she might be right about the trees and the fence. But who knows for sure if she is right. And the trees are hacked down to 15ft stumps(I can't judge how tall they are exactly). But they have NO branches. And then she started for the bushes. And is stacking the wood what she deems is her property. The upside is if I pay for the survey, I can sue. But it doesn't won't bring back the trees, or save the flowers/shrubs that she is going to kill in the mean time. I am just crying as I look out the window. My gardens were great therapy over the years. I had very little(in terms of garden) when I moved in, and I spent countless hours making them beautiful. My boys helped me plant bulbs, hostas, flowers in the very spot she has deemed her new wood pile. My memories are endless. I knew my house was too small for a forever home, and part of what made it so hard to decide that I needed to move was all the work I put into this house. Especially my gardens. I can tell which plants my mom so graciously gave me, and which ones I bought, and ironically which ones my neighbor gave me. I guess that is the true definition of being an indian giver. Not only is she taking back her plant, she taking the whole flowerbed. I had such great plans for today, decorating the christmas tree, going to the gym, etc. But I have such a headache now. And I am sooo upset. I know they are just trees and flowers, but they are my heart. And I am reminded, to appreciate those things are truely important.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Good advice

In church yesterday they talked about dealing w/pain. And the pastor gave the AA tips of avoiding situations that are/ or lead to H.A.L.T. And I think that the concept applies to everyone in all aspects of their life.

"This tried and true slogan helps us to stay in touch with our feelings and needs. Sometimes the onset of anxiety or a sudden drop in mood can be traced to our having forgotten to eat so our blood sugar levels are off kilter. Sometimes we may be carrying a resentment, or feeling lonely, or we are just too tired. Taking a little time out from our busy day to ask ourselves if we are feeling too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired, gets us in touch with our feelings. When we know what we are feeling we can make choices and take the appropriate action to get our needs for food, companionship, or rest, met.

Being too hungry, angry, lonely, or tired, are conditions that leave us more vulnerable to the temptations that lead us away from our program of dual recovery. Part of recovery is learning to pay attention to these inner signals and practice appropriate ways to meet our needs and resolve issues in a manner that will enhance our abstinence and serenity. " from

I think that people who are not in recovery can learn from that. I know I eat more when I am too hungry/angry/lonely or tired. And through the holidays try to evaluate yourself to make sure that you are not falling into an old trap. And on that note, I better get to the gym. The speaker also talked about getting up and moving. Release those endorphins!