Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I think my scale is broken . . . .

I got on the scale and was shocked that I am still weighing the same. I haven't been able to get to the gym, and haven't been the best about watching what I eat. And I know I should be thrilled, but part of me is afraid I will figure out that the scale was wrong and I have gained the weight back. But for now I am enjoying the fact that I don't have to make up any ground. When the holidays are over, I can just refocus and get off the plateau.

And a funny little story . . . . I thought that this was a better places to tell it. Yesterday, the boys and I were running errands. Well, in the car Noah asked me . . . . .

Noah : " Mom?"

Me : "Yes."

Noah : "You know that song, Silent Night? What's a VIRGIN?"

Me ( are you kidding me?!?! Of all the songs . . . . ): UUUMMMMM. . . . . (now all kids are focusing on the answer I am about to give) . . . . . Well, you know how when 2 people get married and . . . . . make a baby. . . . . A virgin is someone . . . . . who isn't married and . . . . . (crap !!!!!!) hasn't done what married people do to make a baby.

Noah : "Oh, ok!"

AAAAHHHH! Crisis diverted. That was enough to satisfy his curiosity. And now I need to really think about having a talk one on one with Noah before he starts hearing things from other kids. Kids grow up tooo fast!

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