Monday, August 25, 2008

Okay enough is enough

Okay, I have said in the past that I was serious about losing weight. But today was the final breaking point. I saw pics that my son took of me when we were at the park playing tennis. I could not believe it. I look in the mirror everyday. I see what I look like. But I was horrified. They say that you should journal. But I am going to blog instead. I owe it to myself to lose this weight. Not for my kids (not that they don't deserve me to be the healthiest that I can be), or for the future husband that I may or may not meet, but for me. This weight is not who I am. I am not a lazy, self destructive person. But that is what the weight feels like. I need to get control of this. I need for weight to not be the center of my life.

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