Friday, February 27, 2009

Okay, where was I?

I have been out of touch with lots of things lately and the bloggy world is one of them. And my diet/exercise routine has gone to pot. Or really lets be honest, it has become non-existent. I just can't seem to get all together. I have a hiccup in one part of my life and my whole week goes down in flames. And I just feel like a failure. I just can't get it together. I was doing so good before the holidays, and I just can't recover. I wish I could take things moment by moment instead of having one ruin the rest of the week. If I have a bad day, I get so discouraged that I find myself scrapping the whole week. And in a self-loathing cycle I want no part of. In church on Sunday, the pastor talked about how when you do a lot of comparing in your life- you are missing something in your life. And to try to fill that with God and you will be truely fulfilled. And it is so true, I have had some rough patches over the last few years, and I know I need to be more balanced spiritually. Then I would depend on food less during stressfull times, and have a more solid foundation. I hope to get back on my feet.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks for posting, finally-just kidding ;). start setting goals each week to get back into your routine. set them so they are attainable. like i will work atleast 2 times this week. make yourself attain that goal. then set another goal the next week. see if that helps. remember to journal when you have your down fall. your bffs are behind you. keep at the hardwork.