Sunday, March 22, 2009

New plan for the new day. . .

Since, things were not working out so well. I scrapped the plan and am working on a new one. I have buddy to help hold me more accountable. I will be reporting what I eat every day and we are going to encourage each other with our choices/portion sizes. I got a good suggestion, to start thinking about what mood I am in when I am eating. So, I will be working on keeping track of that too. My exercise goal is to work out 30min at least 5x a week. So, that is the plan. I worked out on the wii fit yesterday and am pretty sore today. The boys don't have school tomorrow still, so I think the pool will be calling our names. Hopefully this new plan will get me permanently out of my rut. I think my goal is to focus on 5lbs at a time. But I haven't come up with a suitable reward, so any suggestions are welcome.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I used to love to shop as a reward...but that doesn't work anymore. :)

I need to be accountable for what I eat too. Writing it down usually does it...unless you fudge it. Which I would never ever do. :)