Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Almost 10lbs!

Yep, I have almost reached a 10lbs weight loss. I am thrilled b/c this is huge for me. And partly b/c I was at my heaviest at 225lbs and now I am nearly 15lbs lighter than that today. I didn't start blogging until recently and I was 6-7lbs lighter than my heaviest at that point. But I am finally at the point where I can start to see changes in how my clothes feel, not just the scale. Sometimes I am afraid that my scale is just broken since things are going so good. But the proof is in the jeans. I think if I lose another 5-10lbs, I will be able to wear some clothes that I haven't fit into in a LONG time. I did some circuit training yesterday and boy am I feeling it today. Check out the links to help you on your weight loss journey. And the exerciseabout.com has some great tips on workouts for at the gym or home.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Keep it up sis. You're doing great!

Anonymous said...

way to go!!!! it is hard work, but you can do it.