Wednesday, October 8, 2008

When I am upset . . .

When I am upset I shut people out. Partly because I know my mouth gets out of control, but partly because I don't trust that people truly care to help.
When I was in highschool, I found out most of the girls that I considered "best/good" friends didn't like more for the first 2-3yrs we were friends. I was shocked that they faked a friendship w/me. So, I began to learn that not everyone is as upfront as I am (believe me I know that being upfront ALL the time is not the best way to win friends and influence people). So, my trust issues started early . . . tears please :).
Seriously, I don't hide my emotions at all (don't even try). And there may be times that I like to vent, but when I am truly upset I usually shut everyone out. And talk to myself. Usually in my head, but my oldest brother can attest to the fact that sometimes I talk to myself outloud. I like to work things out w/people in my head. Mostly, because in my head people respond in ways that I like better.
I think my biggest problem is that if I am upset enough for it to affect on how I view a person, then I can write people off. Not always the easiest thing in the work place. And since we already established that I don't hide my feelings, things can get sticky.
And that is a little writing prompt from a blog I like, to give you a little insite into my inner workings.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I love you girl & will always be there for you! You can vent to me anytime.