Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In the Gutters!

I yet again had to clean the gutters out. Hopefully that will be the last time. But when I look at the trees, I know that there is a HUGE possibilty that it will not be the last time this year. The boys helped this time which made it easier for me. They do a pretty good job and even Lucas got on the ladder to help. But the best part was, when the boys were waiting turns-they were playing so well together. Being the only girl, I played by myself ALOT. My brothers HATED me most of the time. I can't blame them. I ratted them out ALL the time. But I am glad that the boys have each other. And choose more often than not to play together. After, the gutters were clean, I then needed to get the leaf drifts off the patio and raking leaves was my exercise for the day. I got to the gym today, so yeah me!

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